Dutch teenager in Facebook murder
The following story is interesting: It’s about a man convicted of drunk driving. we’re all familiar with the brand in the library stock photo that was used. What are the effects in the digital world of running that photo with a story that is not directly related to the story or was the guilty drunk drinking Black Label? http://www.timeslive.co.za/local/2012/07/19/western-cape-man-blames-wife-for-drunk-driving
10 reasons why I avoid social networking services By Alan Norton July 9, 2012, 6:19 AM PDT Takeaway: Social networking has had a huge impact on how we communicate and interact — but some people refuse to get caught up in the trend. Alan Norton explains why he’s one of them. I have a confession to make. I don’t do social networking. That’s not that unusual for someone my age. Just 8% of all Facebook users fall into my age group. Read more…
Note – I have not personally run a Facebook ad campaign as of writing this. And I don’t know if I should? Those following my adventures into the Facebook world will know that I am a general skeptic when it comes to spending too much time and money on Facebook. I still think much of what happens in the social networks is based on a knee-jerk type of reaction without much thought to the actual effectivity of the campaign combined with the other Read more…
Interesting article which shows what is the most expensive keywords in the USA, but can probably be used to extrapolate for local use:
Here’s one for the books as reported by The Wall Street Journal – GM has pulled a 10 million dollar spend from Facebook: This is the Forbes article: Why GM Yanked Its Facebook Ads On Eve Of IPO GM’s CMO Joel Ewanick A lot of people are wondering why General Motors decided to stop advertising on Facebook just three days before the social media site’s widely anticipated stock offering. After all, it doesn’t look very good Read more…
BENEFITS OF OUTSOURCING Cut Your Costs – Have you ever wondered just how much time and money your business spends on information technology and customer support staffing? Chances are you’ve done the sums and that’s why you’re here! Imagine your company’s bottom-line without the following costs which arise from hiring in-house staff: In-house staff wages Extra office space and furniture Extra computers Sick leave and holiday pay Recruitment costs Training expenses Staff insurance and retirement fund contributions Read more…